Saturday, April 25, 2009

On the Way To Granny Florida

On the way to Florida, Hunter and Reed entertain themselves (and other travelers) in EWR.

Before we even got to the airport Reed was saying, "This is so exciting; this is the best vacation ever." 

The kid knows what he is talking about.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Boy Who Cried, Pee

After dinner yesterday, Reed decided he wanted to go to a playground about a 1/2 mile from home.

We started our walk and a couple hundred yards into it he starts dancing around holding his crotch. This you will recognize at the international sign for imminent pants-wetting.

"Dad, I gotta pee, I gotta pee! Where can I go, I can't make it home?!"

I looked around, we were in a neighborhood in broad daylight, there was nothing we could do.

"C'mon Reed, we'll rush back home!"

At this point he drops his hand and starts laughing.

"Hah, HAH, Dad. I fooled you."

I rolled my eyes and we continued on our trek.

Within 200 yards of the playground he begins his dance again.

"DAA-AAAD! I gotta pee," as he is running in place.

Here we had a little seclusion and as we made for this spot he started laughing.
"Dad, I fooled you again!"

"Reed," I groaned, "Not funny."

We got to the playground ran about a bit. A pretty little 6 Y/O Chinese girl approached Reed to play but he was intimidated.

After an hour, we had the place to ourselves. Soon Reed is high-stepping like a Rockette, grabbing his junk like it was trying to get away from him.

"Pee, Pee, Dad, PEEEeee!"

"Behind the school", I said,"Hureeeeee!"

This was it I was sure, no joke then I heard his derisory, mocking laugh.

"Fooled you!"

We began our walk home. We had a nice talk, stopped to check out some daffodils, talked about what we were gonna do at home that night...

We were a couple hundred yard from home, when Reed grabbed his crotch with the intensity of a youthful Michael Jackson, it can be said, however, that Reed possesses none of the aforementioned's aplomb in dance.

"Dad, I gotta pee!"

I was not gonna fall for THIS again!

"Well, I guess you'll just have to pee in your pants, Reed, cuz we'll never make it home in time."

He looked at me...he spread his legs a bit further apart...his eyes became distant...his face relaxed.

"OK Dad, I peed in my pants."

His jeans were rapidly turning from royal blue to indigo as the urine washed down his legs.

We began walking again. His gait had changed to a sort of shuffle.

"That can't be too comfortable, Reed."

"It doesn't feel good Dad."

Any worry that he would be embarrassed or scarred by this incident evaporated as we got to within shouting distance of our house and we spotted Mechelle in the driveway.

"Mom!," Reed yelled in the middle of our quiet residential neighborhood, "I peed my pants!"


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