Saturday, May 15, 2010

Homer, Our Bearded Dragon Dies 4/17/2010

About 2 years ago we bought two bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). Baby dragons were promised to Reed when he started using "the potty" consistently. Reed named the make Homer and the female Marge. They were beautiful dragons...we opted for a colorful variant.

The morning of the 17th, Homer seemed fine. We had him out of their vivarium running around in the basement. Homer had his mouth open a little bit the whole time, which was unusual, but he seemed fine.

Early that evening, when I was in the basement Homer looked off and when I reached in he was stiff and quite dead (continued below).

Homer in all his sandfire glory.

Homer's grave in our backyard.

June 2008 when we just had purchased the dragons.

The boys weren't as sad as I expected...though Reed kept saying that this is a really sad day.

The next day we buried Homer in the wooded section of the backyard. Reed and I had been reading a lot about mummies so we packed him in salt to mummify him a bit, thinking we might exhume him in a year or so.

Marge lives on.


Skiball 2010

Reed and Hunter but their mad Skiball skillz on display. This is not cheating but "thinking outside of the box".

NY State Wedding Photography

Shit Reed Says

I needed a professional title for a presentation I am giving in Melbourne, FL on 6/19.

"What title beside Mister should I use," I asked Mechelle.
"Director of Crapola," said Reed without pause.

I nodded sagely in agreement; Reed is wise beyond his 5 years.
