Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hunter Said

Hunter is pooping.

"Dad, I need something to hold."

"What do need to hold while you are pooping?"

"I need a gun; a pistol."


Long pause.

"I dunno, just get me one."

...on mobile.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hunter's Dinner

Shredded wheat topped with a copious portion of grated parmesan. This is only because we have no sprinkles left. Can you tell Daddy is on his own tonight?

...on mobile.

Cranberry Harvest

Hunter grooms Uncle Otis.
Reed wearing my shirt after falling in the stream.
Hunter's impeccable balance!
Don't give him the keys!
A parabola of cranberries.
Picking up those left behind.
We recently spent a day at Double Trouble State Park in Bayville, NJ. I have wanted to see and photography a cranberry harvest for a few years now and learned last year that there is a working cranberry farm in this state park, and harvest is typically in early October. The harvest was 10/9 to 10/12 this year so I grabbed the boys and we made the 120 mile drive in my Acura RSX. For a two hour drive in such close quarters, Reed and hunter behaved in near exemplary fashion. This means I only had to pull over and break up a brawl once. Not bad, eh?

We met Uncle Otis, Aunt Allison, Aaron, Amber and amber's friend Meghan there.

We had a good time. the boys discovered they don't like the taste of cranberries. The farmers tossed us a painted turtle to check out. Reed fell in a stream and the gentleman I asked to take our group photo dropped his Nikon D90 in one of the cranberry bogs (my bad luck rubbing off, I reckon). After he dropped his camera I decided I'd rather not hand him mine

Here are a few photos...I will post some of the actual harvest on my photography blog and add a link here in the next few days.

Checking out the painted turtle.
At the edge of a bog.
Foremen, hard at work.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Random Comments from Reed

Reed: I want to get two dogs, a huskie and a German leopard.


Hunter: First Kid to get Stitches

On 10/2/2009 Hunter was engaged in his typical acrobatics...leaping from couch to coffee and end tables. This day he judged poorly and smacked his face on the edge of the table...biting through his lip. Mechelle took him to Valley Hospital where a plastic surgeon gave him 5 stitches...some of which Toofy has already removed himself.

When I asked Reed if he was scared when he saw his brother bleeding, he said, "No, it was cool."
