Sunday, August 29, 2010


Vacation officially started with the end of the work-week Friday August 27th.

Aaron, Reed, Hunter and Amber.
Have had Amber and Aaron with us since Saturday night. Had a great day today in and around the house and at Crystal Lake in town. Hitting a big water park tomorrow.

Northern New Jersey Wedding Photography

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Waldwick Carnival

Went to a small carnival in Waldwick 08/13/2010. A fun
and expensive few hours. We "won" a prize at every game which
thrilled the boys to no end.

Is it me or is there something especially telling about this image?

The fish lived five days.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Determination or Uncivil Disobedience

Reed didn't want to go to preschool yesterday, kept asking to skip. He became more and more agitated as he was not getting his way. Ran up to his room and slammed the door --the usual, no worries.

A few minutes later when Mechelle went to open his door she found it blocked...Reed had created a barricade. He pushed a bookcase in front of the door and stacked his largest stuffed animals on top. He then pulled his mattress off of the bed and dragged that over to the door.

I shouldn't admit to this but I thought it was pretty cool!
