Sunday, November 15, 2009

Goodbye to Summer '09

A photo from September (above) and July (below). I love the photo of Amber & Reed because of their wildly different expressions. It's like they don't belong in the same picture. It's fun to imagine them as adults and imagine what they might be thinking.

The picture below is one of my favorites from the summer. Summer '09 wasn't great weather-wise but we still had a great time outside when we could. Here Hunter and Reed survey their world from atop the boulder that is a focal point in our backyard. Mom and Granny Florida are on the deck, hard to discern in this small image but I know they are there. Just a great moment to revisit.


Halloween, Reed's Birthday 2009

Halloween is special for all kids but especially for ours since it is Reed's birthday! We had a small party for Reed and then went out Trick or Treating but the weather was rainy so we didn't stay out long. Many thanks to Obasan for a couple of these pix!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More shit Reed says

Reed is on the bed, naked. He is slapping his "junk."

Me: Why are you slapping your junk?

Reed: I am petting it.

Me: Why?

Reed: Because it is my favorite.

Me: Your favorite what?

Reed: My favorite pet.

...on mobile.

More shit Reed says

"Your underwear is ugly because your butt is in them."
...on mobile.