Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We Are So Proud of Hunter

When Mommy dropped Hunter off for pre-school today he didn't cry!

Looks like a trip to the Rocket Shop is in order!!


Interiors Photography

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten and Preschool for Reed & Hunter

Reed started Kindergarten last week, and Hunter started pre-school and we were all a bit nervous about how it was going to go.

Their 1st day was Sept 7th. I took Reed and Mechelle took Hunter.

Having cone to pre-school for 2 years already, Reed was rather cool about the whole thing. We lined up at Manito School, and when it was time to go in he followed Mrs. Woodward (see her in the pix) into the building.
Hunter had a rough 1st day crying when Mechelle dropped him off.

At the end of the day when I picked Reed up, I asked him, “So, how was Kindergarten?”
“Great,” Reed exclaimed! Hunter too said his first day was fun!

Mrs. Woodward, Reed's Kindergarten teacher.
Happy face = good 1st day!

Goodbye Acura RSX Type-S

The boys favorite ride and the best car I ever owned was sold yesterday. 7 y/o, 96k miles, clutch needed to be replaced, air-fuel sensor, was time to cut her loose. She'll be missed.


Documentary Wedding Photography NJ

Shit Reed Says

We are eating ice cream, the boys seated on the back of my car.

Me: Hey, if we don’t tell your Mom we had ice-cream, we can come back for more tonight.

Reed: Awesome!

Me: Let's practice; I'll be Mommy. "So, what did you guys do today?"

Reed: Well, me Hunter and Daddy didn’t have ice-cream.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Shit Reed Says

I sent Reed to his room after an altercation with Hunter. He ran upstairs and slammed the door, crying. After a moment I heard him screaming something and I put my ear to his door to better make out what he was saying.

Reed: "Help me Santa Claus...PLEASE, help me Santa Claus!"

The next day we were driving somewhere and I asked him about his invoking Santa Claus and somehow the topic of God came up.

Daddy: "Mommy and Daddy don't really believe in God; in an invisible man in the sky who looks out for us all."
Reed, after a moment: "Yea, Dad, I don't really don't believe in God either. I also don't believe in Bigfoot."


NJ Destination Wedding Photographer

Shit Hunter Says

Hunter: "I am struggling with my penis." Context unknown.


New York City Documentary Wedding Photography

Monday, September 6, 2010

Vacation Pix

...for boys blog at
Family Portrait Photographer

Hawk in the Backyard

We watched a small hawk in our backyard yesterday, take down a small bird. It stood atop the bird, tearing at it with it's beak and then flew off as I was going to get a camera!

For the boys blog