Friday, February 4, 2011

from Grandpa Tom (Part 2)

When I returned to the house from putting the bank in my car the boys had retreated to their playroom in the basement. When I attempted to open the door to go and see what they were doing they said that they were engaged in a secret and tried to hold the door closed. But I got in and went down the stairs to the playroom. Then Reed gives me an ultimatum. "If you don't bring the piggy bank back, we're going to wreck the house". So I said, "Well I'm going to sit down right here with you" Then they started to round up your tools and pile them up on the playroom table. They went from one room to another carrying the hardware while chanting, "Dangerous" with each acquisition of a tool. I went along with them to make sure they wouldn't get hurt. After a few trips they had an assortment of tools piled up on top of the table. Reed made a few small holes in a cardboard box and Hunter followed suit. Then Reed says,"Hunter lets go to the garage" I of course went along with them. They blew a few bubbles from last summers supply into the cat box. Then Reed tried to jimmy the locks on a red metal file cabinet with a screw driver. When he got hold of a large screw driver he could, if he knew what he was doing, gained access to it. I took that off him. He then says to Hunter, "What we need is a crowbar". So we go into the garage again. When he spots the crowbar in the corner of the garage I picked them both up and said, "That's enough, no crowbar" That closed the episode. We then went upstairs and they had some snacks and played on the computer or watched TV. While they were thus engaged I put all the tools back in the tool boxes.

All this activity was just two little boys being little boys but Grandpa went along for the ride. Today Daddy's bank was in the same place as it was yesterday but nobody paid attention to it. Today the boys acted like they do everyday and played very nice together. They had some ice cream in a bowl and Reed had me make him a bologna sandwich. Reed gave me his specs on the sandwich. No crust on the bread, ketchup on the sandwich and cut it in half. Hunter didn't want anything so he just snacked. Hunter was wearing my cap from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame today. I was going to kid him and tell him he might lose his, like me but I didn't. See you next week.



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